Social media prenup: Saying 'I won't' before 'I do'

Counselors tell couples to set online guidelines

DETROIT – With 900 million people on Facebook, it's no surprise social media disagreements are seeping into many relationships. Now, some relationship counselors are telling couples to hammer out a "social media prenup".

The problems it could cause

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You can imagine the problems that arise. One partner may believe its totally appropriate to post pictures of their companion at the beach, the other might disagree. Setting guidelines about what can be shared, and what should not be posted is quickly becoming a part of many relationships.

Dr. Sheri Meyers, a Marriage and Family Therapist, said, "All couples need to have private places in their lives that are just about them."

What kind of access will each spouse have?

Another key question would be: what kind of access will each spouse have to the other's Facebook page, or email? Some couples share passwords so everything is transparent, that doesn't work for others. Each couple needs to set boundaries that will make both people comfortable. 

Time Limits Online

Another area that may need some regulation is how much time each partner spends online. If one spouse starts spending too much time on the computer, it could chip away at the time a couple should be spending together.

Dr. Meyers has worked through that issue with her own husband. She said, "He wisely counterbalances it by keeping our relationship really healthy that I don't get jealous."

Dealing with social media issues is just another way relationships continue to evolve, and the rules may change as the relationship progresses.

"Always yes because relationships keep shifting and changing and there's new challenges," according to Dr. Meyers.

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