4Frenzy Spotlight: Livonia Franklin offensive guard is a fan favorite

Jake Swirple takes home yet another 4Frenzy Fan Choice Award

Jake Swirple of Livonia Franklin has been voted as 4Frenzy's Best Offensive Guard. But he didn't just win this year, he won last year as well!  Based on how people describe him, it's no wonder! On his 4Frenzy nomination, he's described as a  hard working leader who has contagious enthusiasm. 

Here is a profile of your favorite offensive guard, Jake Swirple.

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Favorite Movie: Grand Torino

Favorite TV show: The Andy Griffith Show, Bonanza, or Gunsmoke

Favorite teacher or staff member: Ms. McQuade

Favorite band: SLAYER

Unique Skill: I can do a backbend flip

Hobbies: I am an outdoorsman. I love fishing and hunting.

Q: How long have you been playing football?

A: 9 years

Q: What accomplishment are you the most proud of?

A: Our football team was the state runner up in the D2 division last year, 2017.

Q: Who is your role model?

A: My PAPA. He just passed away from Alzheimer's. He has shown me that no matter how hard of difficult something is to keep working, keep pushing forward, and never give up. He has taught me perseverance.

Q: How do you keep yourself motivated during practices and games?

A: I tell myself it's all about what you do the next play, and always play to the sound of the whistle. 

Q: What challenges have you had to overcome?

A: I have lost a lot of family members in a short amount of time. I have realized life is unpredictable and we need to cherish what we have. We need to make time for what and who is important to us, and to enjoy life, not stress about what you can’t control.

Congratulations to Jake Swirple for winning 4Frenzy's Best Offensive Guard two years in row!

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