Here's Your Guide To A Fun Workout

January 17th is National Ditch Your New Year's Resolution day. If yours is to work out more, fitness expert Jody Trierweiler shares a few tips with us to keeping workouts fun and keeping you motivated. Jody also brought a friend, Kate Southby to help us out.

Treierweiler said that the best thing you can do to motivate yourself to stay fit is find a partner to workout with. There was a study done with 100 people that worked out with a partner over a year period. After that year was over, the study found that only 6% of people had dropped out.

Jody and Kate demonstrated a few exercises that can be done with a partner including the Side Plank High Five, the Stand Up and the Ambassador Bridge. 

To find out more about Jody's great fitness ideas, visit her Facebook page by searching Jody's FitLife



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