Talkin' with Tati: What do you admire most about your dad?

What do you admire about your dad or the father figure in your life? Tati Amare explored Eastern Market to find out what people had to say. 

One man said his father's faith. "He was always very steadfast in that and kept me grounded in that." Another man said, "He got along with everyone and I think that carried onto me."

One woman said, "My dad is someone who likes to have fun. He's always been kind of like a big kid but also, no matter what, someone who's been in my life that will take care of me and protect me."

Finally, one woman said, "He's honest, he'll put you in your place but he's also very loving and nurturing."

Tati shared that a piece of advice her father gave that stayed with her was, "You only have to say I'm sorry once."

Let us know what you admire most about your dad, or the father figure in your life, in the comments below.

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