Today's top comments: Join the conversation

Top comments on ClickOnDetroit stories today (10/19/16):


ummm... yeah no...   i'll be watching something more interesting  LOL  

 -Wende Sue, Watch livestream of Trump, Clinton final debate here


My friend kid goes there and they are home now but no phone calls to the parents letting them know they are coming home or nothing he kid found out about through Snapchat.

 -Amy Dean, Classes canceled at Hamtramck High School today due to bomb threat



Ixnay on Samsung products.

 -Moon Fairy, Woman says washing machine exploded


Probably made in China, where there are no safety or quality regulations - which is what our own corporations are salivating for: no regulations at all. And this is what you get.

 -earlymusicus, Woman says washing machine exploded


The fact that you allow the players to kneel during the national anthem, but refused to let them wear shoes in honor of the September 11th attacks.  We see where your loyalty stands and it is sickening.

 -Theresa Harper, What's wrong with the NFL? 


The NFL has gone VERY VERY soft over the last 10 as Lions fans we've simply had so little to be exited whatevs......I rake leaves.

 -Ryan J. Matthews III,  What's wrong with the NFL? 


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