Our vet answers 5 questions you have about your pet

How can you keep your dog from chewing up everything? This vet has the answer...

We are all for pets here at Live in the D, and keeping them happy and healthy is our goal. To do that, we give our viewers a chance to ask questions about their pet, and we get the answers from Dr. Kelley Meyers, a veterinarian with our friends at the Michigan Humane Society. Here is what you wanted to know:

Q. Is it OK to feed cats unsweetened applesauce?

A. "Cats are carnivores, so they like meat and we need to be really careful about giving them any snacks outside of their normal food because they need a special enzyme, and applesauce doesn't have that enzyme," says Meyer. 

She also says to keep such treats limited to very tiny amounts, and definitely use unsweetened versions because cats are prone to diabetes.

Q. What is the best flea and tick prevention for extra large dogs?

A. "There are lots of different flea and tick products, the best thing is to work with your veterinarian because they  are going to be able to pick the best product for the dog and for the family," Meyer recommends. She also mentioned that larger dogs may need multiple doses.

Q. How can you keep your dog from chewing up everything?

A. Meyers says dogs typically chew things when they are bored, not active, or possibly from anxiety. She recommends first checking with your vet to make sure nothing strange is going on, but then to play with them and exercise them more. Doggie daycare is another good option to keep your dog active. 

Q. How can you keep young puppies from nipping at you?

A. Meyer recommends you take that behavior and redirect it toward something different and positive, like treat play or introducing a toy. Dogs at a young age are learning how to play, so teaching them to bite on toys and bones, instead of hands and feet is key. Meyers also mentioned keeping treats nearby so that if there is not a toy around and your puppy comes up to you, you can immediately redirect the behavior and teach them a new trick.

Q. What about allergies? Can pets have allergies?

A. Signs your dog has allergies include chewing on their feet, rubbing their face on the ground, and biting at their back end. There are three main allergies dogs can have: environmental, food and bugs. The best thing you can do if you suspect your dog may have allergies is to visit your vet. 

The Michigan Humane Society has veterinary care services at multiple locations. For more information, visit michiganhumane.org or call 866-M-HUMANE.


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