Tips before you take your pet to the dog park

Expert gives advice on keeping your pet safe this summer

As the weather in Southeast Michigan continues to warm, we are all getting outside a little more. For pet parents, this may mean taking your fur baby to the dog park. But, before you head out to let your dog socialize, there is some etiquette to keep in mind.

Ann-Marie Chamberlain from Michigan Humane stopped by “Live in the D” to offer some dog park tips. She said the biggest thing to keep in mind, is making sure your dog is up to date on vaccinations, she also suggest the following.

  • Clean up after your dog which means taking waste bags with you.
  • Leave all food at home. Pet and human food. You don’t want dogs competing over food.
  • Have leash nearby. Dogs should run freely in the park, but keep your leash close, in case you need to put it on quickly.
  • Give them time to get acclimated to the park’s environment. Don’t force them to socialize with other pets if they aren’t ready.

Chamberlain brought a pet with her on the show, who’s up for adoption. The Mike Morse Law Firm will pay the standard adoption fee for anyone who adopts today’s pet of the week.

To see the full interview, click the video above.

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