
Barbara Wynder Is Making A Difference

DETROIT – Several years ago, Barbara Wynder, an attorney and businesswoman, had a thought based upon her relationship with several other businesspersons. As proprietor of White Glove Cleaning services, she needed a new location for her company. Based upon her relationship with these other business folk, she began to wonder about the possibility of creating a location where they could come together.

She found a property in historic English Village, on Jefferson, and made some renovations. Her driving concept was "collective economics" -- like-minded businesspersons coming together to share and support each other. Her location could serve as an incubator that allowed them to share expenses and grow clientele.

The name of her place is called The Collective, located at 8325 E. Jefferson. There are several businesses within The Collective: a restaurant, shoe repair, art gallery, resale shops, wood working and boutiques. It is a large historic house, bright and colorful, with artwork over all the walls. There is a special aura within The Collective. Folks sit at tables on the porch and in the restaurant, eating and chit chatting. There is a constant flow of folks who are diverse and interactive.

Herman Jenkins, a partner with Barbara, runs the restaurant, The Gathering. They have a Sunday Brunch from 9am to 4pm and Live Music and a Jam Session every Friday from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m., with a full menu. Herman states, "There is a unique excitement here. This is a wonderful idea and place to be."

Desiree Cooper has a business where she sells t-shirts titled, Detroit Snob. She says she loves working with Barbara and the joint venture at all of the festivals in Detroit. Her concept of Detroit Snob is that Detroit has so much going on we can afford to be snobbish because this is the place to be. If New York and LA can be snobs, so can we.

With all the excitement, justifiably so about Detroit downtown and mid town development, we have to remember that neighborhood businesses are the backbone of Detroit's local economy. Barbara Wynder understands this reality and she is an Everyday Hero: Making a Difference.

On a daily basis in spite of ones life's struggles and challenges, there are some people who reach out and make a positive impact on the lives of others. That is why Local 4 and a prominent local clergyman, Rev. V. Lonnie Peek, Jr. have teamed up to find those people and tell their stories.

Do you know an everyday hero in your life? E-mail us and tell us about them.

About Rev.V. Lonnie Peek, Jr.
Rev. V. Lonnie Peek, Jr. located in Detroit in 1975. After teaching 2 years in DPS, he went to WSU receiving a Masters of Social Work. As an activist on campus, he created the Association of Black Students. He is an entrepreneur and serves on such civic boards as New Detroit, Inc, Detroit Riverfront Conservancy and the Detroit Economic Growth Corporation. With extensive radio background expanding 25 years, he writes a weekly column for the Michigan Chronicle. He has been a regular on local/national television shows dealing with political and social issues An ordained minister and seminary graduate, he serves on the executive committee and is the public relations chairman for the Council of Baptist Pastors of Detroit and Vicinity and is Assistant Pastor at Greater Christ Baptist Church.

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