
Non-profit helps disabled veterans get 'off-road'

Enjoying the outdoors this time of year is something many enjoy, but for disabled veterans it's impossible because their wheelchairs can't make it over the rough terrain.

Fortunately for at least some veterans, a new kind of wheelchair offers more than just mobility.

Army veteran Maurice Levine is able to explore Maine for the first time using the "Zoom Uphill." The all-terrain wheelchair has changed his life.

"Since coming home with this machine I've been out more than I have in 4 years. Being locked in the house my whole world has been my apartment, my apartment complex, grocery store, and the VA and nowhere else."

Levine's love the outdoors was hindered  by injuries sustained in Iraq.

"I have incomplete paralysis so my legs will go at any time," he said. "I can walk around I have got to be careful where I walk and how I walk. I have a service dog for a matter of fact he's inside right now and he does help a lot and my girlfriend helps immensely but this gift was incredible."

Levine says the Zoom was given to him for free by the Independence Fund, which has provided hundreds of all-terrain vehicles to disabled veterans.

"It's been very rewarding for both of us and its really enriched our relationship," said Levine's girlfriend Tanya Haney . "You know we're able to get out and do things together without having to work to get to places and actually push him over bumps and hills and curbs!"

You can find more information on the Independence Fund or to help fund all-terrain chairs for veterans at independencefund.org.

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