Former Novi principal sentenced to probation for drunken driving episode

Deerfield Elementary School principal Kim Warren apologizes, says she has illness

NOVI, Mich.The former Novi elementary school principal, who pleaded guilty to drunken driving and was accused of being drunk on school property, was sentenced to 18 months probation Tuesday.

Then principal Kim Warren,44, was arrested April 8 after returning to Deerfield Elementary School from her lunch hour.

"I would like to sincerely apologize to anybody that I hurt or disappointed by my actions, I truly can't say sorry enough," said Warren after court. "It's a job that I loved and I have an illness and I am so sorry for all of those people who put their faith of me."

Warren was charged with having open intoxicants in her car and a blood alcohol content of more than .17 percent.

She later resigned from her position.

When asked what was next for her Warren said, "I am not sure yet, I am just taking recovery very seriously."

UNCUT: Interview with former Novi principal Kim Warren.

"I am sad that it had to come to come to this for me to realize that I had a problem, but my life is getting better," Warren said.

--Warren in back of police car.

Video: Novi principal arrested for DUI slips out of cuffs.

Warren was also ordered to use an interlock device on car and must submit to random drug and alcohol testing.

She must also complete 50 hours of community service and seek substance abuse counseling.

MORE: Parents, coworkers shocked by Novi principal's arrest.

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