Warren mayor prints up free anti-right-to-work bumper stickers

Stickers read 'Right-to-work means lower wages & benefits'

WARREN, Mich. – A Michigan mayor is taking to stickers to share his political stance on right-to-work.

Warren Mayor Jim Fouts has created bumper stickers that read: "Right-to-work means lower wages & benefits."

The fine print gives Fouts the credit for the printing and says they aren't paid for "at taxpayers' expense."

Michigan in December became the 24th right-to-work state.

Gov. Rick Snyder says a failed ballot proposal to enshrine collective bargaining rights in the constitution triggered the discussion that led to the passage and signing of two bills that covered the private sector workers and government employees.

The decision was met with protest from thousands at the state Capitol.

"Studies show right-to-work laws do not lead to higher employment rates; instead, they simply lead to lower wages and benefits, as workers lose leverage to negotiate pay increases," Fouts said. "The governor and state legislature have divided our state and every workplace in our state by this right-to-work law."

READ: Warren Mayor Jim Fouts statement on right-to-work

Anyone who wants one of the bumper stickers can call the mayor's office at 586-574-4520.

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