Community baby shower for homeless women needs gift help

Sara's House needs donations of umbrella stroller, car seat for homeless women's community baby shower

DETROIT – Every expecting mom looks forward to her baby shower. It's a time for friends and family to gather and catch up while playing creative games and helping mom-to-be stock up on all the baby items she'll need when her bundle of joy arrives. 

One group of expecting moms could use a little help getting ready.

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For the past four years the volunteers of Sara's House in Detroit have been collecting donated diaper bags, strollers, car seats, baby clothes and more to be given to pregnant homeless women and teens. 

This Saturday, April 30th, they will host a huge baby shower in Oak Park at the Mountain Top International Word Ministry and Banquet Hall.  The trouble is, they don't have enough strollers and car seats to go around and they're hoping someone can help.

"We want them to know that there is somebody there that actually cares for them they're not forgotten," said Geneva Jackson the founder of Sara's House

For the past 8 years the program has been providing support, mentoring and giving a lot of love to homeless pregnant women

"The main thing they kept saying besides needing housing they needed items for their babies and for this population there is no baby shower to help," said Jackson. "There not having personal baby showers because they can't afford it they're living from minute by minute because there situations are so tragic."

Jackson created the community baby shower 4-years-ago.

"The first year we had about 20 women this year we have 100 women registered and 50 on a wait list," she said. "We need umbrella strollers we need car seats, brand new infant outfits for the babies." The items will be distributed when this empty church banquet hall transforms into a mass baby shower Saturday.

"It will be a real baby shower with balloon games, food just everything going on it will be beautiful," said Jackson.

How you can help:

This is an opportunity to do something for somebody else.

If you'd like to donate an umbrella stroller or car seat you can deliver them beginning on Thursday.

Baby shower gift and donations can be dropped off at:

Mountain Top International Word Ministry

24061 Coolidge in Oak Park, MI 48237

Please drop all donations off beginning at noon on Thursday.

For more information on the program or how you can help call 313-473-7814or visit their website

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