The Do's and Don'ts of Bachelor and Bachelorette parties

We recently discussed the traditions of bachelor and bachelorette parties and how the traditions might be changing with time. Some friends of ours joined us Monday to talk about the Do's and the Don'ts at these parties. 

Lauren Crocker, from the Blaine Fowler Morning Show on 96.3 WDVD; Tasha Lord, a local singer and musician; and Jason Hall, with Ride Detroit, all joined us in studio to talk about the "do's and don'ts" of bachelor and bachelorette parties. 

"Live In The D's" Jason Carr asked,  "When planning a bachelor or bachelorette party should the bride or groom participate in the planning or is it solely up to the maid of honor or the best man?"

Crocker replied, "There is so much that goes into planning your wedding, let the girls or guys take over the bachelor or bachelorette party."

"All of the bachelorette parties that I have been to have been team effort parties. Most of the gals that I know, the brides are really theme-oriented, and so it's been really fun having the brides be part of it." said Lord. 

"Live In The D's" Tati Amare  said, "I think you should respect people's taste," and all agreed. If the party is planned without the bride or groom being involved then just make sure you understand what they are interested in. 

We asked if the bride or groom should talk about the party with their partner once it is over, or keep quite. Many agreed it is okay to share a few fun things that happened, but maybe not everything.

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