Holiday lights will be sparkling around the D

Kick off your holidays and see the D in a different light

This segment is sponsored by Your Metro Detroit Chevy Dealers.

We are one week away from Thanksgiving and there are all kinds of holiday fun to be had this weekend!

Annual Detroit Tree Lighting Ceremony

Come and see the D sparkle when a 60 foot Norwegian Spruce is lit up right in the middle of the city. The Detroit Youth Choir and Grammy-nominated artist Mayer Hawthorne will perform. This is happening on Friday at 5 p.m. and it’s a free and family-friendly event.

Santa Rock N’ Lights at The Red Oaks Waterpark

See nearly a full mile of 100,000 animated lights dancing to Christmas music. Rock N’ Lights starts Friday at 5 p.m. and will go on until December 31st. Tickets are $25 and additional $5 for cars with 6 people or more.

CNS & Wayne County Sheriff 1st Annual Turkey Giveaway

Be one of the first 1,000 people to receive a free turkey for the holidays. This is happening Saturday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. or while supplies last. It’s an adult only event and photo ID is required. One turkey per household.

Rum and Reading with 27th Letter Books

Relax with a handcrafted rum cocktail while shopping a wide selection of books, including some by local authors. It’s being held Friday at 5 p.m. and it’s a free event.

Wild Women in Detroit Bus Tour

Mix cocktails with history while taking a ride around the city and hear stories about how women made and changed history in the D. Plus you get to stop at some well-known old-school bars along the way. This event is on Friday starting at 6:30 p.m. at Eastern Market Shed 3. It’s a 21 and up event.

You can check out more of what’s happening around the D by going to

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