Make food, not waste this holiday season

Local chef shares tips

Whether you have a big holiday party planned, or you’re just planning a small gathering with family, this is the time of year when the food and drinks are flowing. Those decadent spreads on the table can lead to a lot of food waste. However, there are steps you can take to keep the table full, while still keeping the garbage empty.

Chef Dominique Black appeared on “Live In The D” to share some suggestions. The chef is part of Make Food Not Waste, which she described as a local nonprofit organization that’s all about food sustainability and trying to create less food waste. They take donations from farms and grocers and then create meals with those donations, which are given to the community.

Chef Black encourages people to use as much of produce or food products as you can while cooking this holiday season. That includes using the skins on vegetables and only throwing away the cores, when possible.

Chef Black suggests compositing the food waste that you cannot use. Along with food scraps, you can also compost grass clippings, coffee grounds, egg shells, dry leaves, wood chips, and cardboard.

Watch the video above for more advice from Chef Black.

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