Turn your scraps into crafts

Local organization handmakes art with love

By reusing material, it not only reduces waste, but it can also spark innovation and imagination.

Stevie Baka with Arts & Scraps showed how this organization can encourage us to embrace the sustainable approach to reusing material.

Arts & Scraps is a 35 year old non-profit located in Detroit. Their focus is to use industrial recycled materials to help those of all ages and abilities to help think, create, and learn. They get resources from everyone and anyone in the city with materials, and will take anything from fabric and yarn to stain glass supplies.

One example of art supplies that you can find at Art & Scraps includes a “non sticky mix.” Another example is “love bug charms”, which is made with sock loops to make a chain.

To learn more about this non-profit organization, watch the video above.

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