
Trailer towed from private lot, returned without goods at private Detroit property

Mystery surrounds trailer's towing, return without goods at private Detroit parking lot

DETROITDetroit police are investigating a bizarre trailer theft on the city's west side.

Surveillance video shows a large truck trailer getting towed from a parking lot at Greenfield Road and Grand River Avenue. The tow truck belongs to Gouch and Son's. The trailer was parked behind a strip mall in a private lot.

The mystery is who paid to have it towed, why it was returned and what happened to some $50,000 worth of clothes, purses, shoes and jewelry inside?

Uncut: Trailer towed from private Detroit property

"I'm just appalled, I'm shocked," said John Cromer, the trailer owner.

Cromer owns a new retail shop in the strip mall. When the tow truck rolled off with his property, he headed straight for the tow company. When he didn't get answers there, he called police.

"The towing company has not given me any information. They're only saying someone called and said come move this truck," said Cromer.

It's unclear where it came from, but just more than 10 hours since it was first towed away, Cromer's trailer was returned to the lot. However, the load inside was a lot lighter. Now, so are Cromer's pockets.

"I believe they violated state or federal laws to come on private property to tow a truck of merchandise without at least consulting with the owners or manager of the truck. I'm going to pursue this and talk to some people and find out how we can prevent something like this from happening again," he said.

The thieves got into the trailer by using a device to break a padlock on the back door. Cromer is holding the towing company accountable for what happened. Local 4 reached out to Gouch and Son's Tuesday night but heard nothing back.

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