
Miami Beach golf club nixes Michael Jordan invites

NBA legend broke club rules with golf attire

MIAMI BEACH, Fla. – Basketball legend Michael Jordan would be welcomed with open arms at many places in South Florida, but one Miami Beach country club has had enough with the hoops icon.

According to the New York Post, Jordan was told he would no longer be invited play at the La Gorce Country Club because he didn't wear the proper attire on the golf course.

Read: Michael Jordan responds to critics

The report says that Jordan was caught wearing cargo shorts while recently playing at the club. When told on the 12th hole that he would need to change before playing on, Jordan ignored the request and continued his round.

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La Gorce did not respond for comment to the Post, but the paper did talk to a rep for Jordan who said, "Michael Jordan did wear cargo pants . . . He had been there many times before and had worn cargo pants previously, and had never been made aware that he was violating any dress code. This time, he was made aware of the violation on the 12th hole, and at that point . . . he did refuse to interrupt his game, and return to the clubhouse and change. We were not aware that he is not allowed to return to La Gorce. I guess it's their loss — as MJ is a great golfer, and a great guest."

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