Defibrillator helps Hamburg Township police save life of 33-year-old woman

Every Hamburg Township officer has a defibrillator in his car following incident 8 years ago

HAMBURG TOWNSHIP, Mich. – A 33-year-old Hamburg Township woman is counting her blessings after two police officers saved her life with a defibrillator.

On Sunday, officers Megan Paul and Daniel Bromley were called to a cardiac arrest situation just two miles away from their location. They were the first to arrive on scene.

"She was pale, white, and turning blue around the lips," said officer Bromley

They began chest compressions after realizing the woman had no pulse and was not breathing. They quickly attached the defibrillator which delivered an electric shock.

Related: Access to defibrillator makes difference between life, death

"She was taking breaths on her own. We got her pulse back," said officer Paul

The fire department arrived and rushed her to the hospital.

"It's amazing. This woman might not have lived had we not had those in the car," said Paul.

Defibrillators now in every Hamburg Township police vehicle

Defibrillators became standard issued equipment for every vehicle in Hamburg Township following an incident eight years ago.

The Hamburg Enhanced Recreation Organization or HERO, was holding a family fun festival headlined by a singer named Michael Harding.

"He performed one song on stage, and politely excused himself, stepped down off the stage and he collapsed, " said Joanna Hardesty, president of HERO.

Luckily the fire department was on scene with a defibrillator which saved Harding's life.

Following that incident, HERO held a fundraiser and raised more than $20,000 to buy 11 defibrillators for the township.

Harding, who had recovered by that time, was able to attend and sang at the fundraiser as well.

"It was a great community effort that was launched by volunteers and it's paid off," said Hardesty.

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