UAW and Ford agree on proposed tentative agreement

DETROIT – The UAW has announced the union has reached a proposed tentative agreement with Ford.

Ford was the third of the Detroit automakers to bargain with the UAW, with FCA and GM completing agreements earlier this fall.

"We negotiated for a proposal that will solidify job security and create substantial economic gains for our hard-working members and their families," said UAW President Dennis Williams.

The deal, according to Ford, will last four years.

"The agreement, if ratified, will help lead the Ford Motor Company, our employees and our communities into the future," read a statement from the company.

The UAW posted a statement on their Facebook page that their bargaining committee has unanimously voted to send the proposed contract to the UAW National Ford Council for approval.

The Council is scheduled to meet in Detroit on Monday. If they approve the deal, it will be made public and subject to ratification by a rank-and-file vote.

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