WATCH LIVE: Robert Mueller testifies before Congress

Former Special Counsel testifies after investigation

WASHINGTON – Watch former special counsel Robert Mueller's public testimony about his office's investigation into Donald Trump and Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

Much of Washington will stop in its tracks Wednesday as Mueller testifies on Capitol Hill for at least five hours, a nationally televised event that for many Americans will be their first detailed exposure to the former special counsel’s findings on Russia’s 2016 election interference.

Watch NBC News coverage of Mueller's testimony below starting at 8:15 a.m.:

Ready to fight, Trump says he’ll watch ‘a little’ of Mueller

He won’t watch. Well, maybe just a little bit.

President Donald Trump on Monday feigned indifference to Robert Mueller’s upcoming congressional testimony, an eyebrow-raising claim for a media-obsessed president who has been concerned for months about the potential impact of the former special counsel’s appearance.

The Justice Department on Monday told Mueller his testimony should not go beyond information that has already been released publicly.

Trump told reporters in the Oval Office: “I’m not going to be watching — probably — maybe I’ll see a little bit of it. I’m not going to be watching Mueller because you can’t take all those bites out of the apple.”

That was a shift from Friday, when Trump insisted that he would not watch any of Mueller’s back-to-back appearances before two House committees.

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