Gov. Romney addresses the state after Detroit riots are contained

Michigan Gov. George Romney addressed the state after the riots had been contained.

FULL STORY: 'Six Days in July' coverage of the 1967 Detroit riots

GALLERY: AP photos from the Detroit riots

He began the address with goals for the city and for the people of Michigan.

“Unless we take the proper course, this nation in the years ahead could be plunged into civil guerrilla warfare,” Romney said.

Romney gave a number of causes for the riots, saying that racism on both sides were a factor. He said that too many people were left out of society and blamed the welfare state, saying it had “rewarded illegitimacy and penalized family life.”

“In too many ways, we have substituted government, money and professionals for our personal responsibilities as neighbors and brothers,” Romney said. “The greatest human progress is produced by those who find ways to more fully serve others. The greatest human problems are overcome only when we care enough to help another.”

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