Knock, knock... 😱

I'm fascinated by the progression of Halloween through childhood.

It starts with low-effort costumes, like hobo or cowboy, upgrades to store-bought ensembles, usually licensed to be accurate, and culminates in... hobo or cowboy (as the objective becomes less about becoming Batman and more about the shameless hoarding of candy).

I'm not original in this observation. Seinfeld laid it out more than 20 years ago. But, it doesn't make it less true.

My thing is that, in the mind's recollection, Halloween is something that happened in your youth for years and years. But the truth is, it didn't. You probably trick-or-treated for six years max, and only the middle two or three years gave you the most joy.

My daughter is in that wheelhouse right now. Old enough to remember, too young to be jaded. Today she told me she would share her Reese's and Snickers haul with me, a nd I am just fine with that. An old cowboy hobo needs his vittles.

- Jason ​​​​ @jasoncarrtv: Facebook , Twitter , Instagram ,

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Halloween isn't just about candy and costumes

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Throwback Thursday

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What's Happening Around The D

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🗓️ Dia de los Muertos at Plaza del sol in Detroit

🗓️ Youmacon 

🗓️ Detroit Public Library presents: The Queen Next Door

🗓️ $5 Day at The Henry Ford

Don't miss this on Live In The D:

👻 Today: Ghost hunters take us on an exploration of a building that you pass all the time on Woodward Ave. Wait 'til you hear what they found.

🎥 Tomorrow: Scarlet Johansson, Willem Dafoe, and Edward Norton are all talking to Live In The D about their new movies in theaters.

📖 Tuesday: Are you ready to read and shed some tears? Mitch Albom is in studio to share his inspirational new memoir.

Watch Live In The D weekdays at 10am!

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