Pet Points: Dog Bite Prevention Week

DETROIT – Let me start by saying that I think Dog Bite Prevention Week is illogical.  Sort of like I think Mother’s Day is illogical…right moms?  I mean, as a mom, I can’t stress enough how much I believe I should be appreciated every, single day.  Not just one day a year.

Certainly then, the same can be said for Dog Bite Prevention Week.  Because we should be preventing dog bites every single day and not just one week per year, right?

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Ok, ok, well, that being said, I do respect the value of bringing dog bite prevention awareness to the forefront periodically and certainly Dog Bite Prevention Week gives us that opportunity.  So on behalf of Dog Bite Prevention Week, please join me in making dog bite prevention an everyday part of our lives. Ready?
And now for a peak into “a day in my life…”

Both of my dogs like people.  In fact, Jammer kind of “over likes” people.  But that’s another blog post altogether…

With that groundwork in place here’s what happened at my house last week.  When I let the boys out first thing in the a.m. I smelled natural gas in my back yard.  This, as you know, is not good. 

When the gentleman from the gas company arrived in my driveway, I went to the freezer and grabbed two stuffed, frozen Kong toys for my dogs.  They happily followed me to the front of my house where I was able to safely confine them. Each with their own tasty treat.

I let the man from the gas company in, walked him around my backyard and into my basement.  Before entering the basement (because I have dog toys all over my house) he said… “Ma’am are the dogs secure?  Are you sure?

Because people always tell me their dogs are nice and I have found that is not always the case.
I felt for him.  And I understood.  As a dog trainer-type-person and an MHS staffer, I see it happen all too often.  People “let it happen” and then react AFTERWARDS. 

For example, you put the steak on the edge of the counter…you walk out of the kitchen just for a second…you come back to the kitchen and the steak is gone…you yell at your dog…your dog gets sick…you have McDonald’s for dinner.

That’s totally you letting that happen, and reacting afterwards.  Which means you now have to deal with a sick dog and you miss your steak dinner.  When if you had simply moved the steak off the counter – PREVENTION – before you left the room your dog would be fine and you’d enjoy that steak for dinner.
The same pertains to dog bite prevention, right?  

I could have – because I’m pretty darn sure my dogs would not hurt anyone – left Rogue and Jammer to roam about freely when the gentleman from the gas company came over.  And then…just like the missing steak…what would have happened if one of them made a mistake and bit him? 

Then I would have to file a bite report, then I’d have a dog who has a bite on his “permanent record,” then I have to quarantine him at home or worse yet have him quarantined someplace else.  Then my life – and his – would change forever.

So instead, I elected to PREVENT something bad from happening (a.k.a. I moved the steak).  My dogs were safely confined during his visit.  And when he left I was able to enjoy the rest of my day with my lovely, happy dogs who have no bite history.

Thank you for indulging me my “day in a life” story.  I think it pertains to Dog Bite Prevention Week, don’t you?  That is, if we all take care to put our dogs in situations where they will succeed and be safe – PREVENT mistakes – we wouldn’t need Dog Bite Prevention Week at all. 

Although we will always need a Mother’s Day.  Enjoy your steak!

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