Rain showers and cooler temps Thursday

Cool down on the way for the weekend

DETROIT –   Rain showers will keep moving through SE Michigan this Thursday morning and will slow you down on the roads. Watch out for minor flooding with pooling and ponding on many roads and highways.

Rain rates are less than expected with light showers mainly around Metro Detroit with mostly cloudy skies most of the afternoon.

Highs will be in the 50s during the rain and may sneak up to 60 degrees this afternoon as the wet weather breaks up. It will feel cooler and a bit breezy East turning SW 10-20 mph.

Temps drop down into the upper 50s Friday and Saturday with spotty showers still hanging around SE Michigan.

Friday look mostly dry in the mid to upper 50s with the best rain chances early in the morning and then again after dinner.

A few periods of showers Saturday are possible keeping temperatures in the mid to upper 50s. Sunday is the better of the two weekend days as the sun comes back and temps rebound into the 60s.

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