'Put Your Pet in a Promo' contest - Ends Jan. 21, 2018

Does your pet have the stuff to be Local 4's next promo?

It's time for another "Put Your Pet in a Promo" contest just in time for Valentine's Day. This one has an 'All 4 Love' theme so be sure to tell us why your pet is so lovable along with your pet's picture.

You may have seen Rango the bearded dragon and Hamlin the bull terrier featured in recent promos and now we're searching for the next furry, or not so furry friend, to star in an "All 4 Pets" promo that will air on Local 4.

You can enter below. Only one entry per pet. Local 4 producers will choose the winner.

Contest runs: Dec. 20, 2017 to Jan. 21, 2018.




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