How to survive Movement Detroit this weekend

DETROIT – Movement weekend is here!

Detroit’s electronic music festival returns to Hart Plaza. Tens of thousands of fans are expected to attend with some festival-goers coming from across the globe.

Read: Detroit’s Movement Music Festival announces full 2024 lineup

So to guarantee a great time, here’s a few things to consider if it’s your first time. Or if you’re a Movement veteran, a quick refresher to stay on top of your festival game:

Bring your dancing shoes

This isn’t Coachella. Put fashion aside and think comfort if you plan on dancing for hours all over Hart Plaza’s concrete jungle.

Water, water, water

Remember to stay hydrated. Those that end up needing medical attention typically need it because they’re dehydrated. And though it won’t be a scorcher like in years past, it will still be hot enough to work up a sweat, especially since you’ll be surrounded by tens of thousands of other warm bodies. And speaking of heat . . .

Check the festival forecast

Before you make your way to the venue, make sure you’re dressed for the weather. It may rain while you’re there, so bring a pocket poncho. Also, the breeze from the riverfront could make for a chilly evening so bring a sweatshirt if you think you’ll need it.

Find the updated forecast here

Pack your patience

There will be lines. Lines to get into the festival, lines for the bathrooms and lines for the after parties. So plan ahead if you’re trying to catch a specific set.

Don’t do drugs

Because drugs are bad, mmkay. Seriously, if you plan on taking illicit substances from strangers, at least be smart. You really don’t know what you’re getting.

Take it slow, it’s not a race

Remember it’s more than 72 hours of non-stop partying (if you include all the after parties). If you plan on drinking, keep in mind drunks tend to make the biggest fools of themselves and are usually the ones ruining the good vibes.

Be nice to the people around you

As a wise man once said, “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.”

Most importantly, have fun!

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