Dr. Ian Smith has advice to help you navigate delicious temptations during the holiday season

Dr. Smith shares some steps to take to keep your health goals intact

We are all trying to make healthier food choices these days and it can be especially challenging this time of the year. But have no fear, some easy swaps could pay off in a big way.

Dr. Ian Smith joined “Live In The D” host Tati Amare to give some ideas to keep your health goals intact while being surrounded by temptation this holiday season, and to talk about his new book “Wolf Point” which is the second installment of his mystery series.

First, Smith says “Wolf Point” is the second Ashe Cayne novel and is a crime-fiction detective genre based in Chicago. He says it is about a case of a politically-connected figure found dead in the Chicago River at Wolf Point where the three branches of Chicago River meet. The medical examiner said he died from suicide, but, a couple of years later, his children do not believe that their dad would do that to himself or them. Next, the children hire Ashe Cayne to investigate what happen to their dad. Smith says it is fun with a lot of twist and turns.

Next, Smith talked about some meal swaps to help navigate delicious temptations. For breakfast, he says bagels with cream cheese is a common item, but it has a lot of fat and is high in calories. For something that isn’t starchy and high in calories, Smith says you may want to choose something that like broiled almond toast with bananas because it is lower in calories and packed with more nutritional ingredients.

Another popular item Smith talked about was the charcuterie board, which is usually packed with a variety of cheeses and meats. He suggests instead of having all cheese, mix it up with olives, pickles, and eggs. He says when you have board with more variety, you are getting more out of it with different types of fats, proteins, and antioxidants.

Finally, he talked about dessert alternatives. Smith says a better option for chocolate cakes would be chocolate covered strawberries, bananas, or blue berries. He says they are easy, tasty, and will still give that great sweet pop compared to cake that is 10 times more in calories, processed ingredients and refined sugars. He emphasized that if you are going to have the cake to have a modest slice because it is the portion size that matters.

Watch the video above for the full interview.

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