Miss Amazing organization celebrates stars with different abilities

Five queens from Michigan are going to nationals

Some shining stars in Michigan are heading to the national Miss Amazing competition, which celebrates girls and young women with different abilities.

Miss Amazing is about focusing on contestants’ abilities and building their self-esteem, explained Rachael Hunter who is a co-director of Michigan Miss Amazing. After competing at the state level, five winners from Michigan’s 2023 event will be competing in the nationals in Chicago later this month.

“We are all amazing and unique people with our talents and our gifts,” said 12-year-old Khara Gilmore who was recently crowned Michigan’s Miss Amazing in the preteen category.

One of Khara’s gifts is playing the violin, which she showcased while appearing on “Live In The D”.

The Miss Amazing organization also helps create a supportive community for those who are involved. Amy Douglas won Michigan’s Miss Amazing competition in 2020, and she now helps other girls as they compete for a crown. Amy said she wants to help the other girls have a voice and dream big.

A fundraiser is being held to help raise money for travel expenses and to make the experience special for the Michigan queens who are heading to nationals. The fundraiser will be held Saturday, July 8th from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Rags to Riches Boutique, which is located at 23549 Telegraph Road in Brownstown Township. The event will include a unicorn photoshoot, along with a DJ, bake sale, lemonade sale, and more. Organizers say all of the money raised will go toward the girls’ trip to nations.

Watch the video above to hear more about the fundraiser and how you can help support the Miss Amazing organization.

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