Jewelry created with empowering messages

Ring True’s jewelry is made by human trafficking survivors

Two sisters have teamed up to create colorful jewelry with empowering messages like “Your beauty shines from the inside out, so bright the whole world can see. Beautiful, don’t ever let anyone cover you up,” and “Never give up. Never shut down. You are worthy and this world needs all that you are.”

Amanda Kozlowski and Shannon Sloan are the sisters behind Ring True, which sells a variety of beaded rings and bracelets. The colorful jewelry itself is only part of the story. It’s the people who make the jewelry that are the most important part of the story. “All of our different pieces of jewelry are handmade by ladies who have been rescued out of human trafficking,” Kozlowski said. “We work with ladies directly in safe homes and teach them how to make all of the different pieces of jewelry that we have, and then we hire them for our business, so it’s dignified work that the women can do right in the safe home.”

Watch the video above to hear more of the story behind Ring True and to see some of their jewelry.

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