Detroit home ransacked while owner recovers in hospital

55-year-old Melvin Peters in hospital during robbery

DETROIT – Police are investigating after a man’s house in Detroit was broken into this week and his furnace and water heater were stolen. To make matters worse, 55-year-old Melvin Peters was in the hospital when his house was targeted.

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“You can feel how cold it is in here,” Peters said. “I just keep putting more clothes on and using blankets.”

Peters had suffered from a stroke Sunday and was taken to Botsford Hospital after his neighbor found him lying on the ground in his backyard.

“My left side is still very weak, I have a hard time talking and walking,” he said.

About 24 hours later, Peters got a call from the same neighbor that his side door was kicked in.

“When I got home on Tuesday, my house was ransacked and water was all over the basement, they stole my furnace and water heater,” he said. 

Peters also says pots and pans were stolen from his cupboards and food stolen from his freezer.

Through his disabilities, Mel is also raising his 3-year-old daughter, but without heat in their home, she is now staying with her aunt and uncle in Battle Creek.

“I’ve seen people in this neighborhood scrapping from homes before,” said Peters. “I’ve seen them take sinks, aluminum siding but never from occupied homes.”

Detroit police recovered evidence from the scene. They are investigating while Mel is trying to figure out how he’s going to get the heat turned back on.

If you’d like to help, contact Mel’s sister in law, Camella Eutsey, at this email:

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