Hometown honors Wayne State officer with blue lightbulbs

Officer Collin Rose patrolled streets of Richland, where he grew up

RICHLAND, Mich. – Before Collin Rose moved to Detroit, he patrolled the streets of Richland, where he grew up. His death rocked the Wayne State campus, but it was an even greater loss to this community.

While his hometown may feel blue, it's turning blue to honor Rose. People driving around the small town of 700 will find blue lights shining at front doors.

Chase Chamberlin is one of many family friends on a mission. He was out talking to neighbors, knocking on doors, getting people to do the small task of changing a bulb.

"This is about honoring Collin and our officers of the law," Chamberlin said. "Many of us are brokenhearted parents, and our hearts just really, really go out to the Roses."

The moment Amie Kolstad learned about the murder of Wayne State University Officer Collin Rose, she sent a text to her friends, asking them to change their porch lights.

"I have some very special friends and (they) immediately went into action," Kolstad said.

The blue light push turned into the Campaign for Collin. Suddenly, blue lights blossomed on trees and outside businesses, too, catching the local hardware store off guard.

The simple gesture did not get overlooked by Rose's parents. They returned to their small town Thanksgiving night to find it shining like a big, blue heart.

While the smile of the hometown kid who went to the big city to serve and protect no longer shines, for now, the sparkling blue lights are a way to remember his smile and every fallen officer.


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