University of Michigan teams up with local organizations for drug take back event

Local communities work to end opioid painkiller abuse

ANN ARBOR, Mich. – Local pharmacies, hospitals, law enforcement groups and community organizations are teaming up around the state to reduce opioid painkiller use with the twice annual medication Take-Back event on Saturday, Oct. 27.

Partnering with the University of Michigan's Opioid Prescribing and Engagement Network (OPEN), more than 60 locations in more than 30 counties are offering the chance for people to get rid of medication they don't need.

Between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., people can bring their expired, unneeded, and potentially risky medication to a convenient location near them where it will be properly disposed of.

Take-Back events help to reduce the number of homes that have unnecessary painkillers and work to eliminate the risk of abuse.

For the full list of counties and locations participating visit the website -- click here

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