🍂 Summer vs. Fall. Do you agree with Tati?

The fall equinox is officially on Monday, September 23rd, and I will feel the finality of summer like a ton of bricks. It's safe to say that I'm nowhere near ready to break out the sweaters and tights. We may have a couple of weeks of warm-ish weather in our near future, but the season is over. The biggest hurdle for me is that I feel shorted because summer started so late this year. For goodness' sake, I was wearing boots in May and the weather didn't really warm up until mid-June. Despite all of this, and as a person who is committed to not living in the past, let's look at the positives of the change in season. 

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I'll chill out with the griping and honestly admit that fall always feels like a new beginning with new opportunities. School is back in session and life feels like it's taking on a familiar, comfortable pace. The spring and summer feel like a sprint to get in as much time outdoors and enjoy the plethora of activities, but now it's time to wind down. An unspoken shift takes place in our culture and this time of year is even being called the best time to start your "New Year's resolutions." Who knew? 

So let's get some cider, donuts, hot chocolate, a throw, and get ready for early sunsets.  I'm ready to fall in love with fall, and if it gets too rough, Miami is always a plane ride away. 😊

XOXO - Tati

Here's what we are talking about today

🍽️ Do you like going out to eat with friends and family? It typically means dining with a group, and a big check at the end of the meal. But, a new survey shows the debate on how to split things up isn't what stresses diners out the most.

📷 Are you doing everything you can to find a date online? One dating app wants to help you find love, but you can't use a filter on your photos.

Who's ready to see a movie this weekend?

🎥 Are you a Brad Pitt fan? A Downton Abbey fan? Are you ready for Rambo's return?. It's a big weekend at the box office and tomorrow Greg Russell will have his reviews of the new movies in theaters. Don't know what they're all about? Check out the trailers below.

Did you see this on Live In The D?!

🍔 In honor of National Cheeseburger Day, things got a little cheesy in studio when we invited a local chef to share some Gouda options for topping your burger.

🥃 There is a place in Detroit that was one of only two spots in the entire state to make this top 100 list.

What's Happening Around The D

🗓️ Detroit Youth Choir Homecoming Celebration

🗓️ Motown 60 Weekend

🗓️ Axe Throwing Open House

🗓️ Romulus Pumpkin Festival

🗓️ Detroit China Festival

Throwback Thursday

📺 Season 4 of "This Is Us" will premiere next Tuesday night at 9 p.m. on Local 4. We thought it would be fun to take a look back at an interview Tati and Jason did with actress Susan Kelechi Watson, who plays "Beth Pearson" on the show. 

Watch Live In The D weekdays at 10am!

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